Wine to Water

We’d like to introduce our charitable partner: Wine to Water

A portion of every book purchase will be donated to Wine to Water.

$1 provides a year of clean water to a person in need.

Wine To Water is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization focused on providing clean water to people in need around the world. Nearly one billion people in the world today lack access to adequate water and 2.5 billion people lack access to improved sanitation. Every 20 seconds a child dies from a water-related disease. Wine To Water is dedicated to countering the epidemic. For example, the organization distributes water filters in Haiti, Bio-sand filters in Uganda, and provides wells in Cambodia. Wine To Water has worked in Sri Lanka, South Africa, Ethiopia, Peru, India and Sudan.

If you would like to host a Rock and Vine event, and donate event proceeds to Wine to Water please contact us.